Cinnamon Teal Duck

During the courtship period, the Cinnamon Teal Drake (Anas cyanoptera), during the courtship period, has a cinnamon-coloured head and body, a dark rump, tail and under tail coverts, red eyes, a long black beak, and yellowish feet. It also displays a bright blue spot on the wing top, white stripes on the back, and iridescent green wings. The female cinnamon teal's plumage is greyish brown. It also displays a white bordered blue spot on the wings, a grey beak, and brown eyes. The eclipsed drake looks like a female except that it has red eyes and that the front part of its wing is brighter. Ducklings are similar to an adult female.

Cinnamon teals can be found from south Canada to central Mexico as well as towards Nebraska's east and west. This species winters in the south of Texas and California, in Central America and also in South America. It usually nests in marshes, ponds, and lakes. It likes shallow highly alkaline soft waters.