Small-size wooden duck sculpture representing the american black duck. This duck carving was created by Ralph...
American wigeon with a lowered neck created by Marcel Dufour, master of the carving art,...
The Bald Eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. It has two...
Wooden blue-winged teal drake. This collection duck was made by Ralph Ireland for the Waterfowl...
Small and big wooden bufflehead ducks on a base. Ideal for a corporate gift, this...
Wooden bufflehead drake created by Marcel Dufour, master of the carving art. This decorative duck...
Miniature decorative bufflehead duck on a base. Ideal for a corporate gift, this carving was...
Decorative bufflehead duck. Hand painted sculpture made by Ralph Ireland for the Waterfowl Collection.
Miniature decorative bufflehead ducks on a base. Ideal for a corporate gift, this carving was...
Small-size wooden carving on a base representing the Canada goose created by Ralph Ireland for...
Miniature wooden carving on a base displaying the Canada goose's attributes, created by Ralph Ireland...
Decorative canvasback created by Marcel Dufour. Ideal as a corporate gift, this carving is part...
Miniature wooden ducks on a base representing the canvasback. This carving was done by Ralph...
Common goldeneye drake made by the artist, Marcel Dufour. Ideal as a corporate gift, this...
Big and small common loon ducks. The carving was done by Ralph Ireland for the...
Miniature decorative duck on a base representing the common merganser drake. This wooden duck was...
Miniature decorative ducks representing the common merganser drake. These wooden ducks were created by Ralph...
Small-size wooden duck on a base representing the mallard drake. This wood carving was done...
Wooden ducks (big and small) representing female mallards with tilted heads. This wood carving on...
Wooden miniature carvings on a base representing female northern shovelers. These wooden ducks were created...
Miniature wooden ducks on a base representing the female mallard. This collection piece was created...
Miniature wooden duck on a base representing the mallard drake. This collection duck was made...